I have the cutest little girl in the whole wide world who loves to smile and laugh and giggle. Her newest trick has been scooting around the floor after the shiny things (most of which she shouldn't be playing with). She is a lot more cuddly than Alex ever was, and it is just so nice to sit down with her and cuddle with her and have her just play. She is also a great eater (like her Dad). I really like sitting down with her and feeding her her lunch or dinner. I am a little worried that I'm not going to be very nice to any of her boyfriends. That's something I have to work on (and I have 18 years to do it)

I love my wife!! We celebrated our 4 year anniversary this past July and have just absolutely enjoyed these first 4 years of marriage. Of course there have been tough times in every possible way; but, the only reason I was able to get through them is because I married such a wonderful woman! With me having busy days at school and work pretty steadily for the past 3 years, I realized how much Shiree does for me. She takes such good care of me that sometimes I feel undeserving. So I try to think of ways to repay her. Recently, I was able to find one. It's always hard to be at home with kids all day long and have only the conversation of a 2-year old and the giggling of an 8-month old for company. So Shiree mentioned that there was this choir at the Institute that was available for not just Institute students. Unfortunately, she told me about this choir after the auditions were over. I told her she should audition anyway. So she sent an email to the director asking for an audition. After not having heard back from him for about 4 days, I went to the Institute to talk to the choir director. He was very open to having her audition after I told him how awesome she is and how much he needs her in his choir. So he called her and they set up an audition. I knew all along she was going to make it in; she is an awesome singer! She made the choir and had her first practice that afternoon. She was really happy! I was happy for her. I knew that she would enjoy it and I'm glad that I was able to help her as she has helped me so much throughout our marriage. (I Love You Pookie!! xoxoxoxo)

I think that was the greatest blog post I have ever read in my life! Such happiness!
Sorry this took me so long to respond to. The first time I read it I was signed in as you, so I couldn't really comment. As for Josie, I am glad that you like to feed her. I am sure that you've noticed I've given you the pleasure more frequently since reading this post. As for Alex, I love that you enjoy hanging out with him. I especially love it when you take him with you to run errands. That's pure bliss. As for your awesomeness manifested by getting me into choir, it rocks. I love singing. Even though the house is messier and dinner is not quite as ready as it used to be (since I am gone more) I am happier. Thanks for loving me so much that you make sure I do things that I love. I love you!!
Oh, and I didn't know about the marshmallow thing. That sounds exciting, too.
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