Friday, October 31, 2008

You Decide -- 4 Days Until Presidential Judgment Day

Let's see if I can catch up with the political pundits in one post. (This could be a long one)

The debates are over and it is left to the voters to decide the fate of the next 4 years. I felt that the debates were entertaining, if you had already decided for whom you would vote. However, for the undecided it was lest instructive. I watched the debates on CNN and was intrigued by the real-time response at the bottom of the screen by some "Undecided Ohio Voters." According to that, either McCain truly did extremely bad in the second and third debates or the pool of "undecided" were leaning Obama. You decide.

McCain sure is a great campaigner-- just not for himself. When Palin first came on board, he touted her ability to lead and her expterise in executive government. Now, some say that she will run for office in 2012 (if McCain doesn't win--if he does, then she'll for sure run in 2016). Then we have "Joe the Plumber." If John McCain bolstered you into the national spotlight and made it possible for you to get national media attention for more than 2 weeks, then was able to ensure a book deal out of it, not to mention the talks of country album (can you imagine "Joe the Plumber" with a record deal??). If this all happened for me, I would for sure vote for John McCain. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem like a very good campaign strategy because you don't really know what "Joe the Plumber" is like. I don't care who you are, but when you make racist comments about a nation like Israel and then imply that if Obama is elected he's going to let them all die, that is innapropriate. You decide what that says about John McCain's judge of character in other people.

Whether or not Obama is a celebrity is pretty much a moot point because he is spending money like a celebrity. I am a realist and understand what role money plays in this country (if you don't, just look at the reasons for this economic crisis--money, greed, and power); but to spend more than $5million on 30 minutes of airtime seems a little too much for me. Not to mention how much money he is acquiring through his campaign contributions (I think we could make a significant dent in the national debt if he used that money to help pay it off). You decide what that says about Obama's ability to balance the budget and cut spending.

Here's what I like about...
McCain: His national security experience and record of consistently voting for what he thinks is right. In that sense, he is a maverick. I like his choice of Sarah Palin for showing that he has the ability to be open about appointments and choosing someone that has executive experience. I like that he is human, he get's mad just like everybody else when he doesn't get what he wants. I really like his conservative approach to appointing judges to the Supreme Court. In the next administration, we could have 2-4 judges retire and that is a significant sway in the balance of the court. I like Chief Justice Roberts and that he tries to seek consensus (at least during the presidential campaign season) but consensus doesn't matter when you have a huge majority. I like his healthcare plan in that it allows for more portability.

Obama: Regardless of what anybody says, he is a motivator. He has helped so many young people become active in the politcal process again. That is remarkable. I like that he is smart and has experience working with the low and middle income workers to help make their lives better and increase their wages and benefits. I like that he is a Christian and has strong family preferences. I really like his ability to bring everybody to the proverbial table and get things accomplished. He can see the expertise and good qualities in other people and he surrounds himself with those good people to help him. I like his healthcare plan in that it allows for children to be insured and gives the opportunity to everybody that wants it.

Here's what I don't like about...
McCain: He doesn't have a good grasp of the economy (and he said this himself). This is further evidenced by the fact that his campaign almost went bankrupt in Summer 2007. He was not making good financial choices. I felt like he wanted to win this campaign more than choose a more qualified VP. Palin is good but she isn't the best choice, especially given the economic situation. I don't like his maverick attitude that he thinks he knows what is best regardless of other's opinions. I don't like that he seems to have tunnel vision when it comes to the issues. I don't know how much focus he is going to put on healthcare, education, social rights, immigration, and environmental issues with his extreme focus on national security.

Obama: I don't know enough about him to be able to say that udnerstand his character. He seems genuine, but he is also so eloguent that I haven't had enough exposure to him to be able to break through the charismatic facade (if indeed there is one.) I remember that Bill Clinton was the same charismatic campaigner and even though he did good things for this country, his character was most disappointing. I don't like his philosophy of appointing judges. I am pretty conservative when it comes to Constitution and the Law (more letter of the law) and I do not approve of judges being chosen to influence decisions, rather than the best qualified candidate based on their judicial interpretation of the law. Judges should not make laws, that is what the legislature is for. I don't like Obama's lack of experience in the international scene. Biden has plenty of it, but unless Obama gives Biden the same latitude that Bush gave Cheney, Obama will be the one making the decisions on international politics.

In the end, on Tuesday, the choice lies with the average American. You have the power to decide which direction this country goes. The good news, it's not going to pot with either choice. We have two really good candidates that love their country and would make good choices about governance. The difference is how those decisions are made and what they are. I would ask that you take the time this weekend to study the issues as deeply as you want, and make a decision based on your personal philosophies about government and competence and cast your vote for the person you think will be the best choice. You Decide the fate of the next four years. You Decide the direction that this country is heading. You Decide what kind of country will be here when you retire and your children grow up. You Decide the next election. So get out and vote and make sure that you bring your family and friends with you. Voting is Power!

You Decide!


tysqui said...

I think you are spot on in your analysis of the candidates. Nice post!

Lynette Yorgason said...

Oh man, I wish I had read your post before I had voted. It probably wouldn't have changed my mind...but it probably would have helped me be a little more informed.

On another note, I've been trying to post comments on your family blog because of the adorability rate of your children but haven't been able to. So let Shiree know that I think they're adorable and want to comment, but can't for some reason.

Shiree said...

I am interested in politics, but I can never express it quite the way that you do. I always enjoy reading your analysis. Thanks! BTW I did decide! Can you guess who I decided on?