This Stinks!!
I have been waiting since May 2007 for the release of Harry Potter 6: The Half-Blood Prince. I have become quite the Harry Potter fan (just ask Shiree). So when I realized that the release date for the 6th movie was going to be right around the time that I finish graduate school, my excitement could not be contained. (Our neighbors actually called the cops because it was so loud... J/K -- We love the Loudons!!) Anyway, November 21st was to be the celebration that there was only 3 more weeks of school. I have been anticipating it for months.
I find out that the release date has been moved to JULY 2009. That's 8 more months!!! How can they do this to me?!?!?!?! I don't think that I can wait that much longer (in reality I can, I just want to gain more sympathy by whining).
To pour salt on the wound, they announce that Twilight will be taking the place of HP6 on November 21st. (Apologies to all you Twilight fans out there) Twilight???? in place of Harry Potter???? What is this world coming to?!?!?!?!
I guess that it's a good thing that HP6 will be released later than planned. That gives less time between HP6 and HP7-part I (which is scheduled for release in November 2010). So I can see the silver lining in all of this. It just ruins my Harry Potter Graduation Party.
Anyway, I guess that I can look forward to a great summer movie schedule with HP6 in July 2009 and G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra in August 2009. (That's right, GI Joe is coming back to the big screen and thankfully, they didn't put Shia LeBeuof in it)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
All-Star Cabinet
I was intrigued by this phrase that I have been hearing on news shows. So here's my question: Does making an "All-Star Cabinet" make Obama more of a celebrity or a pragmatist? Is he doing this to heal the partisan wounds of this country, or is he trying to appease everyone and make himself out to be "The One"?
State: President and Senator Clinton
What a better tag team than the Clintons. They both know how to play the international political game. Plus they have great relationships with most of the other world leaders. Now, you're probably thinking, "You can't have two secretaries of State," and you're right. But if you pick one Clinton, you get the other.
Treasury: Governor Mitt Romney
Mitt is a money man and knows how to spend and save a buck. I think we need some serious private sector principles of economy and thrift to help turn around this country's economy. Besides you need someone who is thoroughly convinced of the effectiveness of free-market economics otherwise we lose out in the international arena.
Agriculture: Old McDonald
Sure, he's Old, but farmers are tough, even when they're old. Who better to lead our agriculture production than Old McDonald? Besides, who isn't going to trust produce grown with the help of Old McDonald.
Labor: Wal-Mart
When I think of fair labor standards, equal wages, and happy working environments, I think of Wal-Mart. They can cut costs like no one else and then raise them so subtley that you don't even notice. Wouldn't the same principle apply when advocating for worker's wages??
What? You've never heard of T. Boone?? You've got to choose T. Boone just for his name. It won't be hard to think of a nickname for T. Boone because his name is already cool. Besides, who wouldn't want a retired-billionare-oil-executive-turned-environmentalist as The Guy in charge of our nation's energy needs and our energy future. I mean the guy changes energy schemes when it becomes popular? Who wouldn't want that??
Ok. So Ricky Bobby isn't a real person. But what a way to lock in the Southern vote by putting a NASCAR driver in the Presidential Cabinet. You'd win re-election for sure!
We need a "Real American Hero" to help take care of our Veterans. Who better than the Original "Real American Hero."
If this guy can fix a leaky toilet, he can fix anything? Who better to run HUD, than a plumber?
Health & Human Services: Little John (aka Me)
Yes, that is my Halloween costume. Don't I look good? If there were one job that I could pick as an aboslute dream job (that will probably never come true) it would be the Secretary of Health & Human Services. It would be such a great job!! Just think, to be in charge of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, & Healthcare in America. What a job!! Besides, who wouldn't want to be in the same Presidential Cabinet as Chuck Norris!!
If I could choose Obama's Cabinet, here it is. (The first 3 and the last one, I'm serious about. The rest, not so serious)
Defense: General David Patraeus
He is very practical and at the beginning of his tenure as Chief Commander in Iraq appeared to not play the politics game. He sided with both proponents of the Bush Administration and its critics. Besides, he is one of the only people involved in the Iraq War with a positive approval rating.
He is very practical and at the beginning of his tenure as Chief Commander in Iraq appeared to not play the politics game. He sided with both proponents of the Bush Administration and its critics. Besides, he is one of the only people involved in the Iraq War with a positive approval rating.
What a better tag team than the Clintons. They both know how to play the international political game. Plus they have great relationships with most of the other world leaders. Now, you're probably thinking, "You can't have two secretaries of State," and you're right. But if you pick one Clinton, you get the other.
Mitt is a money man and knows how to spend and save a buck. I think we need some serious private sector principles of economy and thrift to help turn around this country's economy. Besides you need someone who is thoroughly convinced of the effectiveness of free-market economics otherwise we lose out in the international arena.
(This is where it started to be fun!)
Sure, he's Old, but farmers are tough, even when they're old. Who better to lead our agriculture production than Old McDonald? Besides, who isn't going to trust produce grown with the help of Old McDonald.
When I think of fair labor standards, equal wages, and happy working environments, I think of Wal-Mart. They can cut costs like no one else and then raise them so subtley that you don't even notice. Wouldn't the same principle apply when advocating for worker's wages??
What? You've never heard of T. Boone?? You've got to choose T. Boone just for his name. It won't be hard to think of a nickname for T. Boone because his name is already cool. Besides, who wouldn't want a retired-billionare-oil-executive-turned-environmentalist as The Guy in charge of our nation's energy needs and our energy future. I mean the guy changes energy schemes when it becomes popular? Who wouldn't want that??
Ok. So Ricky Bobby isn't a real person. But what a way to lock in the Southern vote by putting a NASCAR driver in the Presidential Cabinet. You'd win re-election for sure!
C'mon, who wouldn't want Chuck Norris for their Secretary of Homeland Security. Chuck Norris will secure our homeland.
We need a "Real American Hero" to help take care of our Veterans. Who better than the Original "Real American Hero."
Education, Interior, & Commerce - Couldn't think of anyone. Sorry. Unless we have Chuck Norris be in charge of each of those departments as well. Chuck Norris can do it!!
If this guy can fix a leaky toilet, he can fix anything? Who better to run HUD, than a plumber?
And Finally...

Yes, that is my Halloween costume. Don't I look good? If there were one job that I could pick as an aboslute dream job (that will probably never come true) it would be the Secretary of Health & Human Services. It would be such a great job!! Just think, to be in charge of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, & Healthcare in America. What a job!! Besides, who wouldn't want to be in the same Presidential Cabinet as Chuck Norris!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
What's your favorite scripture?
In Institute today, we had a substitute teacher and his lesson plan was to go through our "favorite" scriptures in the scripture block, which today was Hebrews. So I dutifully opened my scriptures and figured I would just share one of the first that I found that had been marked. Not being very familiar with Hebrews (having only read it once or twice before), I didn't know what I was going to expect. But I did find one passage that really stood out to me and so I shared it.
Hebrews 2:9-18 (while the entire passage is good, I focused on the first and last verse)
9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
We can see that Christ, who is a God and "higher" than the angels, suffered himself to be "lower[ed]" so that he could "[suffer] ... death ... for every man [and woman]." Being a God, Christ did not have to suffer any of the mortal perils that we face. He was already "crowned with glory and honour;" but, He allowed Himself to condescend (Latin root meaning to descend with) to the state of mortality and "[suffer] ... death" and all the other things he suffered (see Alma 7:11-12) for us. He did not do any of this for personal satisaction or glory (He already had it). The reason for His ultimate unselfishness is found in v. 18
18 For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.
Thus, the reason Christ suffered as He did was so that He could "[succor]" all of us who are tempted. Alma says the same thing (Alma 7:12). My favorite definition of succor is one given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Ensign, Oct. 1997, p.66) where he said that to succor means "to run to." As Christ succors us, He is running to us. Are we running back? or do we turn our backs on Him and try to make it on our own? To often, I find myself trying to do the latter. Relying upon the arm of the flesh sure didn't work out for the Lamanites who tried to kill Ammon (Alma 17:36-38), and yet, still I think that if I just think about it long enough and approach the situation rationally, I can figure it out.
Yes, God has blessed us with intelligence, gifts, and abilities to "work out [our] own salvation" (Phillipians 2:12). But we forget too often (at least I do) the last part of the scripture: "with fear and trembling." God does not want us to approach decisions with an unrealistic fear and despair for the future. The "fear and trembling" that this verse describes is one of spiritual fear that Job had for God (Job 1:1), meaning reverence and obedience. The trembling denotes a spirit of repentance and humility at God's awesome power (1 Samuel 14:15; Mosiah 15:26-27; Alma 12:1,7). If I am able to use the gifts that God has given me in "fear and trembling" as described here, then I am not alone--I am trusting in God, reverencing His power, seeking His forgiveness, and acknowledging my nothingness before Him (see Mosiah 4:11-12). That, is "fear and trembling."
So this kind of turned into more than just what I shared in my Institute class today. It has helped me realize better my relationship with God. If that is all it accomplishes, then I am happy. If I have somehow influenced someone else in their relationship with Deity, all the better (see D&C 18:15-16).
Hebrews 2:9-18 (while the entire passage is good, I focused on the first and last verse)
9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
We can see that Christ, who is a God and "higher" than the angels, suffered himself to be "lower[ed]" so that he could "[suffer] ... death ... for every man [and woman]." Being a God, Christ did not have to suffer any of the mortal perils that we face. He was already "crowned with glory and honour;" but, He allowed Himself to condescend (Latin root meaning to descend with) to the state of mortality and "[suffer] ... death" and all the other things he suffered (see Alma 7:11-12) for us. He did not do any of this for personal satisaction or glory (He already had it). The reason for His ultimate unselfishness is found in v. 18
18 For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.
Thus, the reason Christ suffered as He did was so that He could "[succor]" all of us who are tempted. Alma says the same thing (Alma 7:12). My favorite definition of succor is one given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Ensign, Oct. 1997, p.66) where he said that to succor means "to run to." As Christ succors us, He is running to us. Are we running back? or do we turn our backs on Him and try to make it on our own? To often, I find myself trying to do the latter. Relying upon the arm of the flesh sure didn't work out for the Lamanites who tried to kill Ammon (Alma 17:36-38), and yet, still I think that if I just think about it long enough and approach the situation rationally, I can figure it out.
Yes, God has blessed us with intelligence, gifts, and abilities to "work out [our] own salvation" (Phillipians 2:12). But we forget too often (at least I do) the last part of the scripture: "with fear and trembling." God does not want us to approach decisions with an unrealistic fear and despair for the future. The "fear and trembling" that this verse describes is one of spiritual fear that Job had for God (Job 1:1), meaning reverence and obedience. The trembling denotes a spirit of repentance and humility at God's awesome power (1 Samuel 14:15; Mosiah 15:26-27; Alma 12:1,7). If I am able to use the gifts that God has given me in "fear and trembling" as described here, then I am not alone--I am trusting in God, reverencing His power, seeking His forgiveness, and acknowledging my nothingness before Him (see Mosiah 4:11-12). That, is "fear and trembling."
So this kind of turned into more than just what I shared in my Institute class today. It has helped me realize better my relationship with God. If that is all it accomplishes, then I am happy. If I have somehow influenced someone else in their relationship with Deity, all the better (see D&C 18:15-16).
Monday, November 10, 2008
Post-Election Blues
Now that the election is over, I am sure you are all wondering what in the world I will have to blog about regarding politics. Well, let me reassure you that politics is a year round game. And for those of you suffering from post-election blues, let me remind you that the GOP elites have already begun forming their platforms for the next presidential election in 2012-- whether it be Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, or somebody else (hopefully not Ron Paul), we will get a good dose of "What is the GOP up to" during the next 2 years, and then... it's off to the races for another round of "Who wants to be President?" For those of you Democrats out there who are thinking that you won't have to worry about choosing a candiate for a while, you're probably right. But just remember... Hillary 2016!
For the rest of us who aren't as concerned about the next Presidential election as we are about the current transition of Obama's Administration, let's take a moment (because that's all we have) to remember everything that Obama has promised. Unfortunately, it is going to take a lot longer than just one moment to remember this laundry list of items. (Perhaps a series of moments over the next month) The good news, with a democratic congress and a democratic administration, I don't see how Obama could not accomplish most of his aspirations within the first term (I mean look at everything W. Bush was able to do for 6 years with a Republican congress). Let's just remember that politics is a game that is played very well by anyone aspiring to the Presidency. There is no way that anyone, regardless of how charismatic or motivating he/she is, that can attain the office of the President of the United States without knowing how to play the political game very well. Our HOPE is that Obama can remember the HOPE that he promised.
On another note, I would just like to give a shout out to the entire 52% of Californians who voted to adopt a State Constitutional Amendment to keep marriage legally defined as between a man and a woman. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Traditional marriage is safe (for now) and our outlook is bright. It will be a sad day when the voice of this people desires to abolish traditional marriage in our land (see Mosiah 29:27). What a great ploy of the Adversary, to seek to abolish families by weeding out procreation. He's smart; BUT thanks to 52% of Californians (and everyone outside of CA who helped out), God will always be stronger than the devil.
Now that the election is over, maybe you can look forward to seeing more pictures of my family on this blog. (I know that's a shocker)
For the rest of us who aren't as concerned about the next Presidential election as we are about the current transition of Obama's Administration, let's take a moment (because that's all we have) to remember everything that Obama has promised. Unfortunately, it is going to take a lot longer than just one moment to remember this laundry list of items. (Perhaps a series of moments over the next month) The good news, with a democratic congress and a democratic administration, I don't see how Obama could not accomplish most of his aspirations within the first term (I mean look at everything W. Bush was able to do for 6 years with a Republican congress). Let's just remember that politics is a game that is played very well by anyone aspiring to the Presidency. There is no way that anyone, regardless of how charismatic or motivating he/she is, that can attain the office of the President of the United States without knowing how to play the political game very well. Our HOPE is that Obama can remember the HOPE that he promised.
On another note, I would just like to give a shout out to the entire 52% of Californians who voted to adopt a State Constitutional Amendment to keep marriage legally defined as between a man and a woman. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Traditional marriage is safe (for now) and our outlook is bright. It will be a sad day when the voice of this people desires to abolish traditional marriage in our land (see Mosiah 29:27). What a great ploy of the Adversary, to seek to abolish families by weeding out procreation. He's smart; BUT thanks to 52% of Californians (and everyone outside of CA who helped out), God will always be stronger than the devil.
Now that the election is over, maybe you can look forward to seeing more pictures of my family on this blog. (I know that's a shocker)
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