Monday, April 27, 2009

Oda to Sakoda

First off, let me say congrats to the 4 Utah players who were drafted into the NFL this past weekend. They truly deserved it! (notice that 3 defensive players were drafter and only 1 offensive - props tp Gary Anderson and Coach Whittingham)

I was shocked and amazed that All-American Louie Sakoda was not drafted!! How can pass up a punter/kicker who can do all of that, plus performs amazingly in the clutch?!?!?!? It was a crying shame that King Louie was passed up for one of the few punter spots in the NFL.

So here are some pictures to remind us of the "good ole days" when King Louie was truly "King."

This one is my favorite! (Notice the Oregon State Player #64, who is overcome with awesomeness from Sakoda that he just fell down on the ground.

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