Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama/Clinton ticket: Dream Team or Nightmare?

I have really been looking forward to this post. Mostly because of the overall complexities of the decision that Obama now faces. By clinching the nomination (at least, we assume Clinton will bow out now), Obama has been placed in the situation of becoming the "leader" of the Democratic party. If he chooses to accept Clinton (Hillary, not Bill) as the VP, then he may unite the party and they would most likely beat McCain in the November election. For campaigning purposes, that is a great move to make. However, what happens on January 20, 2009 when Obama will have to find things for Clinton to do that will satsify her thirst for power but at the same time, allow him to run the show? Moreover, what will it be like for Obama to have Bill Clinton as the unofficial second VP? He has already been shown to be a loose cannon for his wife's campaign (that hasn't been helpful over the long run). What's to say that he would be "in control" during Obama's general election campaign, much less his presidency?

On the other side, if Obama chooses someone else in the VP spot, he is going to have to find something for Clinton to do in the administration because I am sure that Hillary has no desire to return to the Senate. What happens if Hillary becomes bitter and takes the 17million plus votes she won and pulls a Ross Perot and steals the election from Obama and gives it to McCain? Not to mention the toll that would take on the Democratic party. Who knows, maybe there is history in the making and Hillary will form her own party and we'll have a three-party system in America. That would be interesting!

As you can see, there are hundreds of questions that all need an answer, and all one can do is speculate about their outcomes. For Obama, however, he needs to get this one right or it'll be short lived campaign and a very bitter Democratic Party.


Shiree said...

Honey, it sounds like you watch too much political television. :) Just kidding. I think the next few weeks/months will be so interesting. What to do with Hillary? This is the most interested I have ever been in an election, so I'm not sure if it's just normal election stuff or if it really is as crazy as it seems. I sure hope Hillary doesn't get the VP spot, I think... I want Obama to beat out ol' (and I DO mean old!) McCain, but maybe he needs Hillary to do it. I don't know. I like John Edwards MUCH more. Oh, the complexities....

Cory said...

This has been the most intense election in my lifetime. Perhaps, not as contraversial as the Bush/Gore 2000 race (but I was in Chile at the time and wasn't around for all the fun); but at least it's entertaining. I think a huge reason that it has become so intense is because of Obama's attraction of young voters. Everything is changing in the campaign world. I mean, we had regular people asking questions of the presidential candidates (CNN/Youtube debates). Technology is making the election more personal and I love it!

Cory said...

You're right in that Hillary would be a huge asset to Obama's campaign in November and if he could dump her in November, then I would be all for an Obama/Clinton ticket. But if she's on the ticket, she'll be around for a long time.

I like the idea of Edwards as VP. He will bring in a lot of the blue collar and middle and lower class votes. He may not help much with the older female vote (though I have heard from some of my over 30 female coworkers that "Edwards is cute."

Shiree said...

If they think Edwards is "cute" then that's how we get the older women that were voting for Clinton! It all works out.