Monday, November 10, 2008

Post-Election Blues

Now that the election is over, I am sure you are all wondering what in the world I will have to blog about regarding politics. Well, let me reassure you that politics is a year round game. And for those of you suffering from post-election blues, let me remind you that the GOP elites have already begun forming their platforms for the next presidential election in 2012-- whether it be Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, or somebody else (hopefully not Ron Paul), we will get a good dose of "What is the GOP up to" during the next 2 years, and then... it's off to the races for another round of "Who wants to be President?" For those of you Democrats out there who are thinking that you won't have to worry about choosing a candiate for a while, you're probably right. But just remember... Hillary 2016!

For the rest of us who aren't as concerned about the next Presidential election as we are about the current transition of Obama's Administration, let's take a moment (because that's all we have) to remember everything that Obama has promised. Unfortunately, it is going to take a lot longer than just one moment to remember this laundry list of items. (Perhaps a series of moments over the next month) The good news, with a democratic congress and a democratic administration, I don't see how Obama could not accomplish most of his aspirations within the first term (I mean look at everything W. Bush was able to do for 6 years with a Republican congress). Let's just remember that politics is a game that is played very well by anyone aspiring to the Presidency. There is no way that anyone, regardless of how charismatic or motivating he/she is, that can attain the office of the President of the United States without knowing how to play the political game very well. Our HOPE is that Obama can remember the HOPE that he promised.

On another note, I would just like to give a shout out to the entire 52% of Californians who voted to adopt a State Constitutional Amendment to keep marriage legally defined as between a man and a woman. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Traditional marriage is safe (for now) and our outlook is bright. It will be a sad day when the voice of this people desires to abolish traditional marriage in our land (see Mosiah 29:27). What a great ploy of the Adversary, to seek to abolish families by weeding out procreation. He's smart; BUT thanks to 52% of Californians (and everyone outside of CA who helped out), God will always be stronger than the devil.

Now that the election is over, maybe you can look forward to seeing more pictures of my family on this blog. (I know that's a shocker)

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